Healer Q&A: Rewiring Your Energetic Field For Success with Dr. Louise Swartswalter

The following interview is a transcript excerpt from The Heallist Podcast episode. Listen to the full audio version below and subscribe to get notified of new episodes.
As a motivational speaker and internationally recognized authority on the brain-soul connection, Dr. Louise Swartswalter has been helping transform lives individually and in groups using a unique multi-dimensional approach including Naturopathy, biofeedback, trauma release work, NLP, life coaching and energy work. Louise is the owner and founder of the Brain-Soul Success Academy and the creator of the BRAIN system™, a five-step transformational program that works on the mind, body, soul, and energetic field all at the same time for quicker results that stick! Over the last 30 years, she has helped clients worldwide achieve optimal brain power and success in life and business. She is passionate about connecting, clearing blocks to success, and helping others achieve their highest potential.
Check out her forthcoming The Brain Soul Success Bootcamp—an invitation to step into a shared space of learning and growth though a 2 ½ -day transformational virtual event. She also offers our listeners a free copy of Mind Gems - 5 Minute brain hacks that clear anxiety, stress, and overwhelm developed by Dr Swartswalter.
The BRAIN System's Components and Impact
Yuli Ziv: I'm really curious about the process you've developed. Our listeners are holistic practitioners and healers, so tuned into the idea of helping others grow and transform. Sometimes, we forget that we are part of that transformation, still on our own journey, clearing our own blocks as we go. So, tell us a little bit about your work and how it could potentially apply to our holistic healers.
Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Holistic healing is my space. I've been in this area for over 30 years. I started Albuquerque Natural Health Center but got really sick, which is how I entered this field. I ended up on oxygen for about three years, had two small kids at home, and was diagnosed with three autoimmune diseases. No doctors were helping me; medical treatment wasn't helping. Like many holistic healers, you often have a story of how you got there. It took me 16 years to heal, and that's how I put my system together.
The system has five parts: body, mind, spirit, energy, and field. It spells brain. The B is for body—taking care of your body through diet, sleep, and exercise. I always think of "Healer, heal thyself first.” We're in service, but we have to take care of ourselves. When we think about self-care, we often think about eating right, sleeping, and exercising. It’s much more than that. We have an energetic field that extends to the stars and the moon, and we've got to take care of that too.
What I discovered were different steps that would help people on a deep level, like the connection between the brain and the soul, which is so important and is not being dealt with on a level that it should be. That's what I discovered on my path of healing. I kept saying myself, "I'm this much better, but I'm still not me," seeking and trying to find that deeper, authentic self, that soul truth.
The R in the brain system is releasing—releasing ancestral blocks, childhood wounds, all the stuff that got stuck, pulling you away from being you. A aligns with spirit, God, whatever your higher power is, that's always a part of healing. I is for integrate—integrating your brain frequencies to your soul's true purpose. It’s finding that purpose and then integrating your brain, body, mind, spirit to that.
N, which I love, stands for new program. It’s how to rewire your brain with a new program and your energy field. Much like you would think of a computer. When you put a new program in, you can work better. We can upgrade you. Your brain has rings around it, an energetic field of these capacitor rings, and when they're out of balance, you feel brain fog, tired, out of sorts. We got to put those rings back in balance.
When you do all those steps together—body, release, align with spirit, integrate, and put in the new program—is when people make the biggest transformational leaps to becoming their authentic self.
Yuli Ziv: I can feel every word of what you're speaking. We've been on that journey of rewiring, and I love your software comparison because I'm a techie and I love creating software for my living, and I couldn't agree more. A lot of people freak out about this comparison sometimes, but it is true.
We are computers in terms of, at least, the brain part. I even give people a very simple advice: make sure, as you reset your brain, reset your computer as well. We carry so much on our computers and it clogs our brain too.
I love that process. It sounds very simple when you say it, but I'm sure we're talking about a journey here. What's the typical process or how long does this program take? Not to use too many three-dimensional terms like time because I know this process can be timeless, but how does it work in our physical terms?
Dr. Louise Swartswalter: In physical terms, if I do a deep dive brain system session with somebody or my certified coaches do that, it can take 90 minutes to two hours because we're looking at the body, and there's pieces that I can pull out and do more quickly. But when you really learn the tools is when you can really elevate your life in a big way. They're called brain cell hacks. Then there’s codes.
The new program piece is code for success. There are numbers and they're done in the energy field of the body. They're done on what we call spin points and so instead of acupuncture points on your body, you have an energetic field. I've taught a lot of people these and they call them their beauty routine. You can do this in the morning, you can do it all day long.
Inspiration and Evolution of the System
Yuli Ziv: How did you come up with this brilliant and simple system? What is the source of it?
Dr. Louise Swartswalter: I had all of these pieces. I'm a naturopathic doctor and I owned Albuquerque Natural Health Center for years and was into biofeedback too. I combined naturopathy and neuro biofeedback. The brain has always been my thing. I even wanted to go to an anatomy lab and look at a brain. I do a lot with the brain and my clients would come back better. I was good at that.
But I started to see all their emotional issues. This isn't just a physical issue. This isn't just giving them the best supplements in the world and helping them detox parasites. I started learning all about emotions and different ways to clear them. What happened was I combined all the pieces. I started to see and practice with my clients.
I started to see that when I used a certain combination of things, things stuck better, their emotions were different. Everything would start to change in their life, not just their physical health. That's how I really created the system.
It took me 16 years to heal my own body, mind, and spirit. I kept learning new tools, and when I was healthy enough, that's when I started my center, started in my house, and bought a condo in a building. First, I rented an office, then I bought an office and sold that. I've been doing coaching now for about ten years. I moved online before COVID, which was a good thing.
I just love watching people change, so much so that we take before and after pictures because it looks like they had a facelift. After I do the brain system, I'm literally giving people energetic facelifts. It's better than Botox. Everything is energy. We're 99% space and 1% matter. I always show people that pain starts in the energy field. Those codes that I did earlier, they take the pain out of the field.
Active Participation and Mind Gems Practice
Yuli Ziv: Is the participant active in that process or is it something you do as a practitioner? Is there something people can try at home to see how effective it is?
Dr. Louise Swartswalter: Yes, absolutely. It's co-creation. There's brain hacks that you can learn to do on your own, and one of the very first ones is called Mind Gems. It's brain balancing through touching parts of your body that are like those spin points in the field, and what it's doing is putting the rings around your brain back in balance. Think of an atom, like it has rings around it, and if those rings are off balance or wobbly, you're going to feel off balance. Mind Gems puts those back in balance.
One of them is just crossing and touching right hand on left shoulder, left hand on right shoulder, and this balances polarity. It's balancing the right, the left, the polarity in your body, and the Yin and the Yang. It feels good, right? You hold that for 12 seconds and then you switch. I always invite people to hold their intention here. What is it you want to create in your life? What are you thinking about today?
There's another really great one. The one behind the head. We cone our fingers and we put our fingers together like little wands, so your thumb is touching all your fingers, almost like you're making little pointers. Then you're going to take your right hand and put it on your left occiput, so it's crossed behind your head. Then your left is on your right, so it's like your hands are crossed. This clears fear and it switches on the brain. Hold this for 12 seconds and then you switch. Switching just means your other hand goes on top.
Another really great one that balances your electrical system is a good one to use when you're in front of your computer or you're waiting for something to download. Put your fingertips together, almost like you're praying, but with open hands. There's 12 of these and when you do them all together, you'll feel more balanced and you'll have more clarity.
A lot of my community does these morning and night. I do them every morning before I get out of bed, in bed, and then at night before I go to bed, and I sleep better. It's just a way to balance the brain but you really balance the brain, mind, body, and spirit at the same time.
Yuli Ziv: Love how simple it is and I do feel more clarity after these 3-12 second simple exercises.
Dr. Louise Swartswalter: These are really simple and kids can do those too. I've taught lots of kids these. Mind Gems are powerful. Make sure you do the mind gems every day to help this stick. You're going into a process. It's like an emotional detox. There's always homework to do.
Even for our listeners, if this resonates with you—a lot of people tell me when they see me doing something with another person, "Oh, that was my mom" or "That was my situation, my business." If you're listening, grab those mind gems, start doing them.