Business tools and strategy for spiritual entrepreneurs with Timi Orosz

The following interview is a transcript excerpt from the Heallist podcast episode. Listen to the full audio version below and subscribe to get notified of new episodes here.
Join host Yuli as she sits down with Timi Orosz, a spiritual business mentor, and authentic marketing expert who brings a fresh perspective on business and financial topics. Former CEO briefly turned jungle-dweller, Timi's journey led her to create Connect One Marketing, an agency dedicated to making a positive impact. In this episode, they explore defining soul clients, demystifying business tools, crafting business plans for healers, setting financial goals, understanding the true value of money and energy, and evolving your healing business as you grow. Tune in for inspiration and insights to take your healing practice to the next level.
Owning your entrepreneurial journey
Yuli Ziv: You're doing something so unique that I don't know many people or any people that do what you do. Can you help us describe the typical client or a typical session? How do you work with people?
Timi Orosz: The number one thing my clients have in common is their fear of becoming entrepreneurs. When it comes to turning their vision into reality, they become a bit paralyzed because they feel they know nothing about business. Many of them have misconceptions about what it takes to start and grow a business. Instead, I ensure they are seen by the right people who truly need their healing abilities and knowledge, which they can then pass on to the world.
They feel genuinely overwhelmed when it comes to marketing and developing their businesses, so I like to figure out who they are as a person and what strategies we can build that align with them on an energetic level. In the spiritual industry, there's no one-size-fits-all strategy for every healer out there. It needs to resonate with you based on who you are, your past life lessons, and what makes you unique. That's usually the biggest part of my work—combining inner work with actual business execution. I strive to hold their hands for a little while, ensuring they start executing their plans, attracting clients, and having a clear vision of their business direction. My aim is to help them become confident in owning their entrepreneurial journey.
Mapping out your ideal audience
Yuli Ziv: How do you find who the person is? Are there certain tools or technique that you're using to customize that experience to each client?
Timi Orosz: One tool I really love using for all of my clients is something called the empathy map. In this exercise, we map out their ideal target audience, figuring out who they would genuinely be excited to work with, instead of just trying to identify a market gap or any potential audience they could work with without feeling excited about it.
If you're listening right now and not quite sure how to get in front of the right audience, I recommend this initial step: figure out who would be your next best friend. That would be your ideal client in a very simple, straightforward way.
When it comes to creating strategies and understanding who they need to serve, we always look at the key milestones of their lives. That becomes the core message of what they do, giving them clear insight into the type of people they should be working with. There are many different methods and business tools that can be used, but I like to make it fun and not overwhelming. I try to make it enjoyable, emphasizing that building a business can be a lot of fun when started in an aligned way.
How do you define a business plan for healers
Yuli Ziv: I noticed on your website that you have this business starter tool with a lot of worksheets and templates to work on. Can you talk a little bit about how you developed those templates? How did you come up with them? Was it through your experience in seeing what are the most common things that people need help with? How did you approach creating all those beautiful and fun templates?
Timi Orosz: There was a lot of strategy behind it. I wanted this book to really serve a purpose, to really help someone. I turned it into an eBook initially when I launched my website, Connect My Marketing. It is a step-by-step guide for them to do everything when it comes to starting a spiritual business. I try to show the perspective of building a business that is not that crazy difficult. What I did over the last three years was roll up all of my resources and digital tools into a bundle and toolkit that will lead someone through all of the crucial steps to put together a business, including coming up with a brand name.
I also broke down the essential business planning phase without the dry and complex business process. I broke it down into three core elements when it comes to planning the foundations of your business: understanding who you are serving or your target audience, how do you define that, and how do you figure out what you should consider.
We've done a lot of journaling questions to make it more in line with my audience. You can literally turn a business planning activity into a journaling exercise. When you start looking at it from that perspective, as a healer, you realize that if you work on yourself pretty much every day, you can also work on your business using the exact same approach.
Yuli Ziv: I've never heard that analogy before, but it's so spot-on. So many of us get into journaling because it's a mindfulness activity that's easy to get into. But if you think about the business part of the journey you're on, it's just brilliant.
This is why a lot of these ideas are all about the definitions and the labels that we put on them. Once you call something a "business plan," it immediately has those scary frequencies for so many people. But if you call it "business journaling" or just "journaling," suddenly, it just becomes this fun activity that you're looking forward to every morning.
Timi Orosz: It's true for many other aspects as well when it comes to building a business. I use the same kind of approach in all of my materials. When we realize that we can look at things from a different perspective, it can become a really fun process that was genuine for us as well.
If someone is a healer, nobody is expecting them to be business strategists. Nobody is expecting any of the healers to know how to market themselves. The second, and then the third section within that business plan, besides who you shouldn't be serving, is also helping you figure out the basics and foundations of how you're going to be serving these people and with what. If you can work out these three elements already—the who, the what, and the how—you already have the core foundations of your business plan. You can jazz it up if you want to with all the numbers and projections. But at the end of the day, if you're doing it just for yourself to make sure that you have a clear vision, you don't need all that.
The power of setting financial goals
Timi Orosz: You can do some financial planning, set yourself targets and goals, but I don't see that happening very often within the healer community.
Setting your financial targets is nothing different from using the law of attraction method. It's the same thing you do for your personal life—setting big, beautiful goals, having a mood board and a vision board. Try to play with it. What was missing from business for a very long time in any industry is that playfulness, that softness, that nurturing approach, and healers have that.
Yuli Ziv: Sometimes it's almost as if someone made it so scary and dry to keep people away from it. By doing so, they block that kind of ability, that flow of abundance that is associated with those numbers, terms, and definitions.
If we can just unblock it for all of us once and for all, and put a playful spin on it, or just really rename it, it would help so many people. Let's add that nurturing element to it and really connect back to the flow of abundance, which is what money is.
Timi Orosz: It's the first chapter designed to help people shift their mindset about money in general. The initial title of the book was "Stop Resisting Financial Success," but I changed it because I realized it wasn't sitting well with my audience, and they weren't loving it. However, that's basically what the first chapter is about.
When people argue that making money from spiritual knowledge and skills is unethical, consider this: you can choose to make money using your spiritual gifts and knowledge, or you can make money doing something that destroys your soul and the planet. When this argument is brought up, claiming that it's unethical to charge for healing or spiritual services, you need to realize that throughout history, people have always been compensated for their gifts and work.
Understanding the value of money and energy
Yuli Ziv: It took so many healing sessions to unlock that for myself. But I started seeing money as energy and something that is a privilege to have. It allows me to invest in things that benefit humanity, society, and the planet. It's a big responsibility and a privilege as well. This is part of the big mission of this podcast, having these conversations and normalizing them in the healing space specifically, to inspire more healers to, at the very least, dig into their beliefs about money and see what comes up.
Timi Orosz: It is a painful process; I'm not going to lie. Demolishing all these beliefs you have around money, and even accepting or facing these truths within you, is probably one of the scariest and most painful parts of the process. But the sooner you start digging and removing these false layers of misconceptions, you'll realize that your entire world actually changes, not just internally but physically as well. You'll let go of all these burdens you've been carrying with you.
I completely understand what you're saying about your upbringing. I was brought up in Hungary as well, in that region. I know what it means to have this kind of mentality. One of the biggest misconceptions I had to work through was the belief that you have to work hard to make money. Many people can resonate with this. There are a lot of misconceptions around it, especially for healers.
It may be true that it doesn't feel like hard work when you're doing something like a Reiki session. Working with energy may be more challenging than being in a factory all day, but from the outside, it may not seem that hard or difficult. People might resist the belief that they can have financial success by realigning chakras all day. You can and you should. Please go out there and do it and give yourself that financial freedom.
Evolving your healing business as you grow
Yuli Ziv: Based on all your incredible work with clients, can you share the biggest transformation you've seen without going into specific details? Was there a common block that someone overcame during your work together that transformed their practice?
Timi Orosz: The examples that come to my mind, actually, all have one thing in common. Maybe I can mention that I've had three or four clients who faced very similar blocks. They had a clear vision and already had their spiritual businesses up and running. But as we started working together, we realized that the vision they thought they had had nothing to do with who they were now.
During these sessions, I felt like a wrecking ball because we had to completely demolish everything they had built up until that point. However, I am so proud of them for being able to let go of what was not serving them. When they started their spiritual businesses five to ten years ago, they outgrew them. They had become completely different people compared to who they were back then, yet they were still holding on to their original titles like "coach," "healer," "teacher."
The truth is, they had grown and evolved, but their businesses hadn't. They had left their businesses in the same spot where they were five years ago, and that cannot be allowed to happen. As a healer, you will see that you'll be growing over the years. There are many ways for you to grow as a healer within your own business. If you're doing all the inner work on yourself, your business will need to match that evolution. Your business needs to evolve with you.
Go back to the foundations and ask, "Who are you right now, and what is the new vision?" If you're listening and you feel that your vision is not as exciting, there's nothing wrong with you. If you've evolved in the last six months, six years, or even six days, it needs to be reflected in what you do as well. Don't be afraid to change the vision in your mind. Let go of what is no longer serving you, whether it's the services you offer, the business itself, or even the name of the business. The best way for you to realize where you're heading is to reflect every once in a while. Do the same thing in your business.
Letting go of titles
Yuli Ziv: With so many people going through evolution and transformation, causing their practices to transform not just yearly or monthly, but even daily, they are receiving new downloads, ideas, and learning new modalities. At some point, this continuous evolution can create a sense of endless paralysis, leading to questions like, "If I'm constantly evolving, how do I even define what I do?" How do you deal with that?
Timi Orosz: That's when business planning comes in, and it is very common, especially for healers. Healers specifically tend to use multiple titles to describe what they do, such as Reiki Master, psychic, medium, acupuncturist, and so on. Yes, you might be picking up new modalities and ideas, but it's essential to go back to the foundations of who you are and express yourself without labels. It's all about being heard and seen.
Instead of seeing themselves as a being, think of themselves as the solution to their clients' problems. What are they and what do they bring to the table for their clients? Rather than coming up with fancy titles and labels, try to figure out who you are and how you can communicate that in a simple way.
I recommend taking a moment to look at your definition of the impact you want to create. I call this the impact statement, similar to a mission or vision statement. Define the big picture and communicate that. If your activities are no longer in line with the impact you want to make in the world, it's a sign that you've outgrown your current journey. However, if it's still in line with your overall impact, then you're on the right path.
Defining your role in the collective
Yuli Ziv: How did you come up with this incredible knowledge and wisdom? I know you also have a special offer for our audience, which I'm sure people are going to be thrilled to learn about.
Timi Orosz: I've always known that my role in this collective is to shake things up a little bit. I see myself as an innovative leader who doesn't follow traditional methods. I'm here to stand up for justice. What really sets my soul on fire is seeing people thrive and empowering them to share their gifts with the world, no matter what those gifts may be. Empowering people to reach their fullest potential is my biggest role.
I have a passion for creating meaningful ventures, and I fought this for a long time. This led me to analyze myself and discover how I could use my love for building businesses and marketing to create something impactful and positive for the world.
I ended up in the jungle during my journey of self-discovery. I realized that my path was leading me to create something that would serve the spiritual community. I noticed that many healers and coaches lacked business and marketing knowledge, so I wanted to create a platform to be a resource for them. That was the initial vision, and here I am three and a half years later, with lots of happy clients.
My intention is to empower and provide clarity and confidence to aspiring spiritual entrepreneurs like you. I believe in the power of positive affirmations and how they can transform someone's life.
EXCLUSIVE for HEALLIST: Download Timi's 37 Free Soulful Business Affirmations for Spiritual Entrepreneurs.